Friday, June 1, 2007

Infantigo Symptoms and Treatments

Infantigo is a skin rash very common to children between 2 to 6 years old. Another term used to describe infantigo is impetigo. Can infantigo affect people of other ages? Yes, but it is very rare. Skin infections and rashes are often caused by different streptococci strains than the strains that are associated with strep throat. Infantigo can also be caused by a staphylococcus infection.

Is infantigo contagious? If so, how is it transmitted? Infantigo is spread by direct contact with lesions or possibly with nasal carriers. The incubation period of infantigo is one to three days, depending on many factors. What are the symptoms of a child having contracted infantigo? First, pimple-like lesions surrounded by reddened skin will form. These lesions will fill with pus, and then break down over four to six days, forming a thick crust. Because of the associated itchy rash, infantigo can be associated with bites from insects, and also minor cuts and rashes. It is common for the infantigo rash to itch. Note that scratching the infection may spread the lesions.

If you child is diagnosed with infantigo, the pediatrician will most likely prescribe topical or oral antibiotic. There are also skin creams you can purchase over the counter at the local pharmacy which will ease the discomfort of the itchy skin caused by infantigo. There are also some home remedies you can use for infantigo which include lots of fluids, especially hot herbal teas. You may also choose to get some skin cream as suggested earlier. You may also want to try herbs to help ease the itch, which is called poultice of herbs.